If ever you could say “hindsight is 2020,” last year was the case. Looking back on 2020, it was a time of much trauma and loss, highs and lows. Our thoughts are with those who have suffered during this trying time, and our hats are off to those who have served our communities. Thank you.
At Ultimate Sailing we entered the year with enthusiasm and spirit, only to come to a grinding halt mid-March. One by one my photography assignments canceled and with a dearth of projects, I too was home-bound. I reorganized, redecorated, reconnected and zoomed! But as with most: all within the same four walls.
On solitary walks on the beach I dabbled with my iPhone and the incredible capabilities of these remarkable hand-held wonders.
Capturing the beauty of the sea, spray and creatures at low tide was moving; the sunsets and never-ending play of light on the rocks and glossy sand was mesmerizing.
‘Not that I’m ready to give up my fabulous Canon equipment! I pulled that out to try my hand at surf photography, tutored by Michele Friel Almeida. During a postponement on assignment (at long last!) in Newport, RI (a story for another month!) races were canceled due to too much wind. So I ventured around Ocean Drive looking for waves, and ran into Michele. We were Facebook friends but had never met, still she kindly took me under her wing and led me to the secret surf spot. Luckily I had all my photography gear in the car!
It was a rough trek in, with my pack of equipment, but once we got there we were able to locate some of my sailing friends who were playing hooky during postponement. Our timing was perfect, with huge waves from an offshore storm and the ideal lighting. Standing on terra firma waiting for the sets and surfers was the easy part, as these skillful surfers caught monstrous wave after monstrous wave. Michele is an incredible and multi-talented photographer, and I am thankful for her kindness and coaching. You can check out her work at https://www.mistephotography.com
It was magical to have the opportunity to explore another angle of man’s interaction with the sea, and simply to experience the ocean again.
Since time immemorial, cultures around the globe have acclaimed the healing and transformational properties of water, and I certainly found it helped calm and center me during those rough times. Whatever and wherever your aquatic origins are, I hope you too have the opportunity to find solace, peace and restoration on the water. And I hope that the pages of the Ultimate Sailing Calendar help transport you there as well.
January 2021 – Carlo Borlenghi
This stunning image from Carlo Borlenghi heralds the New Year with excitement and gusto.
Taken during the Mylius Cup off the magnificent coast of Capri in buffeting breeze, it is another spectacular representation of the art of the ‘Master of Yachting Photography` [ https://www.ultimatesailing.com/blogs/news/reflections-carlo-borlenghi ] as is the image of the Volvo Ocean 65 Amber Sail, below; taken in Porto Cervo, Sardinia.
Oscar3 pictured at top went on to win the Mylius Cup – an invigorating four-day series designed to spotlight this elite class of high performance racing/cruising yachts, and part of the Rolex Capri Sailing Week. Oscar3 owner Aldo Parisotto, of Yacht Club Cala de' Medici, confessed the massive waves and rough sea state proved demanding, testing everyone aboard: yet they persisted and prevailed. In this shot you can see the crew hiking out and hanging on, peering through the spray and the fray seeking victory despite the challenges ahead.
Isn’t that a great analogy for where we are today? Hang on, hike out, look toward the future, and don’t give up!
If you don’t already have your 2021 Ultimate Sailing Calendar, now’s the time to jump onboard! I trust you’ll find inspiration and restoration in the 24 breathtaking images I have curated for you.
Thank you, and be well ~ Sharon
The January pages of the 2025 Ultimate Sailing Calendar: in Luca Butto’s featured image the crew hikes hard, defying the explosion of spray buffeting the maxi yacht Cannonball, as it plows to weather at the Tre Golfi Sailing Week in Naples. In the inset image, at the bottom, Stefano Gattini captures the Club Swan 36 Farstar in hot pursuit at the Swan Croatia Challenge.
Sharon Green